Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Inspiration comes in the strangest places.  Today while getting my teeth cleaned, the dental hygienist asked about my holiday plans.  Of course, I had to tell her that I'd be w/ my dad and that my mom passed away last December.  This brought the tears, and I thought that would be all.  But she kept talking about her mother's death and asking about my mom's death.  Trust me....having dental tools in your mouth scraping and scratching while the tears are running down your cheeks is uncomfortable and awkward.  And still she kept talking about the loss of a mother.  She did get me a couple of tissues so that helped......a little.  Out of all this, however, there was a bright spot, and I'm not talking about my newly polished teeth.  She talked about some of the things her mother taught her like being nice to people (not sure she learned that one) and smiling at others to brighten their day (well, that made sense).  Upon leaving the dentist's office, I was in the mindset of what Mom had taught me.

When I arrived home and got the mail, I read our local newspaper.  The lead story was about the city council needing a replacement for a recently vacated position.  As providence would have it, the representative needed to be from Ward 2.  This ward is literally divided by the street upon which I reside.  If I had lived on the east side, I would be in a different ward, but since I live on the west side of N. Sixth Street, I reside in Ward 2.  One of the most important lessons Mom taught me was to give back to my community so I called the city offices and gave them my name to be considered for the appointment.  Whether I receive the appointment or not, I continue to strive to live a life that Mom would be proud of while creating a life of my own choosing.

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