Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sunday, 16 May 2010 -- Day 147 (160)

Internet is still down.

I think I’ve mentioned Sarah before. She’s the young woman from Mom and Dad’s church who has been bringing Dad food and visiting w/ him. I thank God for Sarah, and I thank God that Mom was such an amazing woman to make such a strong impression upon Sarah. Sarah’s daughter, Libby, was in one of Mom’s last Sunday School classes, and I think Sarah feels a need to give back some of what Mom gave to her daughter. Today she invited Dad along to see her parent’s greenhouse in a town about 75 miles away. He was absolutely tickled as he described the size of the greenhouse and how the customers use little wagons to transport their flowery purchases. These little outings keep Dad from crawling inside himself. He’s even going to graduation parties w/ my aunts. I know he’s doing it b/c it’s what Mom would’ve had them doing if she was here, but I’m still very proud of him for staying active and involved w/ the human race.

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